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Multiple Rocket Attacks Strike Kabul

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 18 Aug 2020 - 10:35

At least four rockets hit different parts of Kabul city Tuesday morning as Afghans celebrated the 101st Independence Day.

Eyewitnesses said that four rockets landed in Wazir Akbar Khan, Sherpor, 1st Macroryan and Shashdarak areas of Kabul, and that several wounded people have been taken to the hospital.
Another blast also heard in the Sara-e-Shamali area in north of Kabul, eyewitnesses said.
The Ministry of Interior said that at around 9:30 am this morning several rockets were fired from two moving vehicles in areas PD8 and PD17 of Kabul city.
Details will be provided as they become available.
No group incouding the Taliban claimed responsibility for the incidents.

Story Code: 216994

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