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Avg. 50 Security Incidents/Day Since US-Taliban Deal

Afghan Voce Agency(AVA) , 23 Jul 2020 - 17:05

50 security incidents took place per day day on average in Afghanistan from around the Reduction in Violence (RiV) week and the signing of the US-Taliban deal in late February until late June, according to the statistics provided by the Afghan government.

The government data shows that the Taliban and other anti-govt groups are behind 40 attacks a day while the other 10 are attributed to the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) and Resolute Support (RS).
Under the Doha peace deal, the Taliban committed to reduce violence to help cement concrete steps for intra-Afghan talks.
Five months have passed since the Doha deal, but there has been no announced date for the start of the intra-Afghan talks and violence has also increased--taking many lives of Afghan civilians and security force members.
The Office of National Security Council (ONSC) says that the scale of violence has increased by 34 percent compared to last year.
The Taliban in the peace agreement with the US committed to avoid launching attacks on the provincial capitals and main highways, but has been accused of violating the Doha agreement because of attacks initiated by the group over the last 20 days.
The Afghan forces were also blamed for some deadly attacks in various regions of the country, including an air strike in Herat on Wednesday night.
Acting Defense Minister Asadullah Khalid on Thursday said that "Taliban were killed in yesterday’s Herat airstrike" and “we will share evidence--including footage--with the media.”
Khalid was refering to an incident on Wednesday, in which "at least six Taliban local commanders were killed" in an airstrike in Adraksan district of Herat province, according to local officials.
But the residents claim that "at least eight civilians were killed and nearly 20 others were wounded" in the airstrike, which they say targeted a wedding party.
Human rights organizations have been expressing their concerns over a rising number of casualties among the Afghan civilians.
There have been deadly clashes between the Afghan security forces and the Taliban over the past ten days in Ghazni, Daikundi, Parwan, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat, Logar, Maidan Wardak, Ghor and Kunduz provinces.

Story Code: 215347

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