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COVID-19: Testing Stumbles As Afghanistan Reports 174 New Cases

19 Jul 2020 - 15:07

Afghanistan reported 174 new Coronavirus cases, a day after its lowest daily count over the past three months was seen.

According to the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), the total number of COVID-19 cases in the country has reached 35,475 and they have tested 83,771 samples since the outbreak began.
In the past day, the government labs tested 633 samples, however, the day before, they had just tested 194 across the country.

During the past 24 hours, lab samples found positive cases in Kabul (66), Herat (27), Badghis (22), Bamyan (20), Badakhshan (7), Takhar (6), Kunduz (5), Panjshir (4), Nangarhar (4), Ghor (4), Parwan (3), Paktia (3), Kandahar (2), Baghlan (2), Wardak (1), Helmand (1) and Uruzgan (1).
The MoPH said that 361 people had recovered while 17 fatalities had been noted, pushing those figures to 23,634 recovered and 1,181 deaths to date.
There are currently 10,660 active cases of COVID-19 in the country.

Story Code: 214934

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