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COVID-19: Nearly 2,000 Patients Recovered In the Last 24 Hours

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 4 Jul 2020 - 13:48

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) reported a jump of 348 new Coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, which have now taken Afghanistan’s tally to 32,672 confirmed cases.

There were 1,833 patients who recovered during the day while seven succumbed to the illness. Those figures now stand at 19,164 recovered cases and 826 fatalities to date.

Of the 868 samples tested, positive cases were reported in Kabul (164), Bamyan (33), Herat (28), Balkh (23), Badakhshan (20), Badghis (14), Nimroz (12), Daykundi (9), Baghlan (7), Helmand (6), Wardak (5), Ghor (5), Panjsher (5), Paktia (4), Takhar (3), Nangarhar (3), Parwan (2), Zabul (2), Kunar (2) and Laghman (1).
There are currently 12,682 active cases in the country.

Story Code: 213655

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