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Trump: Taliban Makes a Fortune out of US Presence in Afghanistan

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 19 May 2020 - 11:02

U.S. President Donald Trump has said that the Taliban is making a fortune out of the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, in a series of tweets on Monday.

“Could someone please explain to them that we have been there for 19 years,” Trump wrote. “… the Taliban is mixed about even wanting us to get out. They make a fortune $$$ by having us stay, and except at the beginning, we never really fought to win,” Trump wrote in response to a Wall Street Journal editorial warning him to not be “impulsive” while making decisions on Afghanistan.
Trump further added “We are more of a police force than the mighty military that we are, especially now as rebuilt. No, I am not acting impulsively!”
This comes as the U.S. and Taliban signed a peace deal in Qatar late in February this year with an aim to pave the way for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.

Story Code: 210324

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