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Taliban reacts to parallel swearing-in ceremonies of Abdullah and Ghani

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 9 Mar 2020 - 10:34

The Taliban group reacted to parallel swearing-in ceremonies of Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani due to be held in capital Kabul today.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid has said the disagreements between the Afghan leaders and the swearing-in ceremonies threatens the peace process.
“We don’t think they will make it to getting ready for the intra-Afghan talks on March 10, because of … the disagreement between the politicians that is even leading to two swearing-in ceremonies,” Mujahid was quoted as saying by The News.
He also added “Instead of swearing in, we want them to focus on intra-Afghan talks. We call upon them to leave the internal disagreements, stop the swearing in, and work for peace.”
The Independent Election Commission announced incumbent Ashraf Ghani as the winner of the controversial presidential elections last month.
However, Ghani’s rival Abdullah Abdullah said he had won the presidential race insisting that he would form a parallel government.
According to reports, both Abdullah and Ghani have issued invitations to parallel swearing-in ceremonies.

Story Code: 205110

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