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Araqchi from China: N. Deal Signatories Should Honor Commitments

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 2 Dec 2019 - 10:17

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said in Beijing on Sunday that Iran nuclear deal is an achievement of international diplomacy and multilateralism, calling all the signatories to JCPOA to honor their commitments.

In a joint press conference with his Chinese counterpart Ma Zhaoxu, Araghchi said the two countries held consultations about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
He said that since day one of the JCPOA, Iran has always held consultations with China over saving the international agreement, IRNA news agency reported.
Araghchi said that the JCPOA is an agreement endorsed by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 and that the US pullout from the international deal is an outright violation of the UNSC Resolution.
He said that Iran has reduced commitments to the JCPOA and that no state should question Iran’s remedial action for renegade on the nuclear deal by the US and the other states parties to the Agreement.
Araghchi noted that the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN nuclear agency, has repeatedly verified that Iran abides by the JCPOA.
After the US quit the deal, Iran stayed fully committed to its JCPOA commitments for a year before starting to reduce them, the Iranian official said.
Iran’s reduction of its commitments doesn’t mean it is quitting it and the Article 36 of the deal has envisaged remedial action for Iran when the other party does not abide by its commitments, Araqchi stressed.
He added that Iran welcomes efforts made by all the JCPOA parties, especially China, to resolve the dispute.
Calling China a strategic partner and thanking the Chinese officials, Araqchi said that the two countries will continue with cooperation on regional and international issues, including the JCPOA.

Story Code: 196948

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