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UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution on Afghanistan

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 28 Nov 2019 - 14:05

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday adopted a resolution on Afghanistan to pledge its continued support to the government and people of the country.

The resolution encourages all partners to constructively support the reform agenda of the Afghan government so as to secure a prosperous and democratic Afghanistan, focusing on the strengthening of democracy and governance.
It supports the continuing and growing ownership of reconstruction and development efforts by the Afghan government, and emphasizes the crucial need to achieve ownership and accountability in all fields of governance and to improve institutional capabilities in order to use aid more effectively.

It emphasizes that threats to stability and development in Afghanistan and the region require closer and more coordinated cooperation as well as greater coherence and complementarity of approach between countries of the region and the international community.
The resolution reiterates serious concern about the security situation in Afghanistan and stresses the need to continue to address the threat posed by the region-based violent extremist and other illegal armed groups and criminals, as well as the presence of foreign terrorist fighters and terrorist organizations.
The resolution recognizes that an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned inclusive peace process is essential for achieving long-term peace and stability in Afghanistan.
It welcomes the efforts of the Afghan government to begin direct negotiations within the framework of a comprehensive peace plan and calls on the Taliban to accept this offer without any preconditions and without the threat of violence.

Story Code: 196555

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