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IED blast kills university dean in Afghanistan

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 28 Aug 2019 - 1:18

Incident took place in eastern Nangarhar province bordering Pakistan's restive tribal belt

An improvised explosive device blast in Afghanistan's eastern Jalalabad city on Tuesday killed the Nangarhar University dean of arts, an official confirmed.
The University's Dean of Arts Faculty Professor Massoud Nekbakht got killed in the attack at the provincial capital Jalalabad, leaving three other people including his son injured, according to Mubarez Atal, the police headquarters spokesman.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. A number of eye-witnesses told media that the blast was caused by a magnetic IED attached to Professor Nekbakht’s car.
The deceased professor was not active in politics and was nephew of a well-known former Jihadi leader Mawlawi Khalis.
Bordering Pakistan's restive tribal belt, Nangarhar is marred both by pro-Daesh militants as well as the Taliban insurgents. A string of similar blasts injured dozens of people during Independence Day celebrations earlier this month.


Story Code: 190629

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