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Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah Will Strike Israeli Drones over Lebanon, Zionist Soldiers on Border Must Stand on a Leg and a Half and Await Us

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 26 Aug 2019 - 0:30

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah confirmed on Sunday that the Islamic Resistance will confront all the Israeli drones which violate the Lebanese airspace, and endeavor to down them, adding that the party will prevent ‘Israel’ from repeating in Lebanon the same aggression path it followed against the Hashd Shaabi sites in Iraq at any price.

“The time at which Israeli war jets used to strike targets in Lebanon while the usurping entity in Palestine kept safe has ended.”
Delivering a speech during Hezbollah ceremony which marks the second anniversary of the Second Liberation, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that party will do anything possible to prevent ‘Israel’ from pursuing this new aggression path, calling on the Zionists across the entity to keep worried and expect the Resistance attacks at any time.
Hezbollah Secretary General described the Israeli drone attack on Dahiyeh as very dangerous, clarifying that the Israeli drone has a military nature and devised by the Zionist army to carry out a suicide attack on a target in the southern suburb of Beirut.
“Hezbollah possesses the drone and may show it publicly in coordination with the state security apparatuses in Lebanon.”
The abovementioned drone was flying at a low attitude when a group of young men in the targeted area of Moawad stoned it, so it fell down, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that after one minute another drone carried out a suicide attack as it had been booby-trapped.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that although the attack did not claim martyrs, it indicates a very dangerous development which may be repeated on a daily basis if it keeps unanswered, highlighting that “this was the first Israeli attack on Lebanon since 2006 war”.
“If we do not respond to the Zionist attack on Dahiyeh, ‘Israel’ will repeat the same model used to attack the Hashd Shaabi sites in Iraq.”
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah will not the enemy to turn back the clock on the new formulas which have protected Lebanon, calling on all the Lebanese to support the national right in face of the Israeli aggression.
“If the Zionist enemy thinks that the financial pressure on Hezbollah will push it to surrender, we reiterate that we are ready to sell our houses in order to fight and defend our dignity, sovereignty and presence.”
Commenting on the Israeli air raids on Syria on Saturday night, Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that they targeted a Hezbollah site there and claimed two martyrs, stressing that they may never remain unanswered.
Sayyed Nasrallah recalled his threat that if the Israeli attacks on Syria claim any of Hezbollah members, the Resistance will respond in Lebanon, adding that Hezbollah will respond to the Zionist airstrikes overnight on Syria in Lebanon.
Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Israeli troops on Lebanon’s border, “Stand on a leg and a half and wait for our response which may take place at any time on the borders and beyond the borders.”
(“Stand on a leg and a half” means that the Zionist soldiers must keep trembling with fear and wait for Hezbollah response.)
The Israelis must know that their prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu aims at winning the parliamentary elections at the expense of their blood,  according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that the Zionist leader lies to the settlers by alleging that the overnight air strikes targeted Iranian troops in Syria.
“Netnayahu is pulling the Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian and Iraqi fire to the entity and pushing you into the abyss,” his eminence told the Zionist settlers.
Hezbollah leader had started his speech by hailing the “great” attendance of the resistance supporters at the ceremony titled “The Nation’s Safeguard”, stressing that it represents the first response to the Israeli attacks.
Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Bekaa locals and the rest of the Lebanese on the Second Liberation Day which marks defeating the terrorist groups on the northeastern border with Syria, felicitating also the Syrians on the Second Liberation Day because Syria benefited greatly from the victory.
Hezbollah Chief recalled the anniversary of kidnapping Imam Sayyed Mousa Al-Sadr and his two companions (August 31), stressing that resistance path has prospered thanks to his eminence.
Sayyed Nasrallah explained that the terrorist threat in the Lebaonon-Syria border area was existential and the victory of the militant groups of Nusra Front and ISIL has never been a secondary event.
The terrorist scheme which was launched in Syria in 2011 aimed at fragmenting the region on sectarian and racial basis after destroying it, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that axis of resistance frustrated all that plot.
“We have to recall the terrorists’ control of the Lebanon-Syria borders. We also have to recall the Lebanese political stances which supported the militant groups.”
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that the US administration asked the Lebanese authorities not only to refrain from launching a campaign to liberate the northeastern outskirts from the terrorist groups but also to prevent Hezbollah from doing that, adding that the Americans are even now refreshing ISIL terrorist group in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas in the region.
“US helicopters save ISIL leaders in Afghanistan and plotting to incite a civil war in the country.”
Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the Syrian army achievements, stressing that it will certainly regain control Idlib and Eastern Euphrates.
Sayyed Nasrallah maintained that the victory over Nusra Front and ISIL on Lebanon-Syria border pushed away the terrorist danger for an area of more than 50 square kilometers, adding that Hezbollah is still deploying troops on Lebanon-Syria border to repel any possible terrorist infiltration into the Lebanese territories.
Sayyed Nasrallah also called on the Lebanese government to take the needs of the Lebanese who live in Syria’s Qusair into the consideration of its socioeconomic projects, hailing their role in achieving the victory over the terrorist groups.
Domestically, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated Hezbollah support to the socioeconomic demands of Al-Bekaa locals, blaming the sectarian considerations which frustrate the development projects and urging the Lebanese authorities to assume their responsibilities in this regard.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah will exert all the needed efforts to pass the law pertaining establishing Baalbeck-Hermel Development Council, adding that “we may resort to demonstrations and sit-ins if the other ways were blocked”.
His emeince also called on Bekaa locals to cooperate with the state authorities to restore peace in the area, urging them to reject all those who disrepute the families and their honorable history.

Story Code: 190536

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