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Fraudulent Elections Lead Afghanistan Toward Instability: Abdullah

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 8 Jul 2019 - 17:23

Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah on Monday warned that any fraud in the upcoming presidential elections will result in the political crisis in the country.

“The people of Afghanistan are hopeful about the upcoming election. Once again, I’m emphasizing on holding fair and transparent elections, because a fraudulent election can lead the country toward instability,” Abdullah said while speaking at the weekly council of ministers today.
He further called on the electoral observers to monitor the upcoming presidential elections.
Meanwhile, electoral observers doubt that the upcoming elections will be held transparently.
Yousuf Rasheed, member of a Kabul-based electoral monitoring organization said that the Independent Election Commission has not issued credentials for their observers to monitor the election processes.
However, Habib-ul-Rahman Nang the Chief of IEC Secretariat said that they are processing the credentials for those organizations who have applied for.
This comes as the Afghan presidential election is scheduled to be held on September 28.

Story Code: 188016

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