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Afghans won't accept return of Islamic Emirate: Khalili

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 26 Jun 2019 - 18:42

Afghan people will not accept return of Taliban's Islamic Emirate in their country, chairman of High Peace Council said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a ceremony in Kabul, Khalili said that peace under Islamic Emirate would not be real peace.
He said that the Taliban should understand that people reject emirate form of governance.
Referring to the parliamentary election held last October, Khalili, who is the leader of Hizb-e-Wahdat Islami Afghanistan, said that the vote was not conducted the way people expected.
He warned of crisis if problems get repeated in upcoming presidential election.
Meanwhile, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah in a video message at the ceremony said that those who are seeking power through violent means could not reach their objectives.
The Taliban have held six rounds of peace talks with the United States, but they have refused to deal directly with the Afghan government

Story Code: 187399

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