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Kabul Attack Ends After All Assailants Killed

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 20 Apr 2019 - 17:38

An explosion followed by gunfire happened at the Ministry of Telecommunication in the capital Kabul on Saturday noon.

Following the blast, the assailants engaged in a gunfight with the Afghan forces for nearly five hours until all attackers were killed by Afghan security forces.
Nusrat Rahimi a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoIA) said that five attackers were involved in the incident.
He added that all government employees were evacuated safely from the scene of the attack.
The Ministry of Public Health confirmed that at least 10 people were injured in the incident, but immediately there was no report on the exact number of casualties.
The attack came one day after the cancellation of scheduled talks between Taliban representatives and Afghan politicians in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The Taliban insurgent group in a statement rejected their involvement in today’s attack.
No other group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack but flags of Daesh also known as Islamic State is seen at the scene of the clashes.

Story Code: 183698

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