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US needs to consult with Afghanistan and its neighbours on withdrawal: China

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 5 Apr 2019 - 0:45

The United States needs to consult with Afghanistan and its neighbours on withdrawal from the country, China's ambassador has said.

AVA- Speaking to a local media outlet, Liu Jinsong said that China hopes that the US withdraws from Afghanistan in a gradual, orderly and responsible manner.
He said that the US should take into account consequences of its withdrawal from Afghanistan.
The diplomat also backed US talks with the Taliban. He said that China wants to work with US and other countries on making Afghanistan a hub of cooperation.
On Afghanistan accusing Pakistan of supporting terrorism, Jinsong said that China seeks to mediate between the two neighbours for better relations.
He said that China has an important role to play in Afghan peace process, adding Pakistan could encourage Taliban to negotiating table.
The diplomat, however, said that Pakistan doesn’t have full influence over the Taliban.
Asked about China’s alleged mistreatment of Uighur Muslims, the envoy rejected it saying that his country has made a lot of efforts to help the minority.
He said that the condition of religious freedom for the minority in China was better than of other Muslims in some Muslim countries.

Story Code: 182691

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