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Zionist regime shells Hamas observation posts in Gaza

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 30 Mar 2019 - 22:40

The Zionist army shelled two observation posts in the Gaza Strip belonging to Palestinian resistance group Hamas, eyewitnesses said late Friday.

AVA- In a written statement, the army said it bombed a military position of Hamas after explosives were thrown towards a security fence. It did not confirm whether it shelled another Hamas post.
The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has yet to issue a statement on any casualties.
On Monday, Zionist regime launched a wave of airstrikes across the Gaza Strip following rocket fire from the enclave that injured seven Zionists north of Tel Aviv.
The Zionist army has deployed reinforcements along the Gaza-Israel buffer zone in anticipation of Palestinian rallies Saturday marking the first anniversary of Gaza’s “Great Return” march.
Saturday’s planned demonstration will also mark Palestinian Land Day, which commemorates the killing of six Arab- Zionistss by Zionists forces in 1976 during protests against land confiscations.
In the run-up to Saturday’s rallies, the army has deployed numerous tanks and armored vehicles along the buffer zone.
It is also reportedly monitoring the region with surveillance balloons and positioning snipers throughout the area.
On Thursday, Zionists Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly instructed the army to prepare for the possibility of a “broad” campaign in Gaza.

Story Code: 182376

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