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Taliban escalates attacks as spring comes

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 5 Mar 2019 - 0:13

Afghanistan's northern provinces of Kunduz, Takhar and Sar-i-Pul have been witness to major attacks from the Taliban since yesterday.

AVA- Mohammad Hanif Rezaee, the spokesman of 205 Shaheen Corps told media Monday that the insurgents attacked several army checkpoints last night in Qarghan village of Imam Sahib district in Kunduz and clashes and that both sides suffered casualties.
Meanwhile, over 200 local and national security forces are besieged by Taliban in Sancharak district of Sar-i-Pol province, according to local government officials.
The Ministry of Interior Affairs, however, said that security forces are not under siege and added that clean-up operations are going on in Sancharak district.
Nasrat Rahimi, the acting spokesman of Ministry of Interior Affairs said: “no security forces are under siege and clean-up operations are going on in several villages in Sancharak district of Sar-e-Pol province.”
The attacks come as Taliban and the United States representatives are holding fifth round of peace talks in Qatar.
Mirza Mohammad Yarmand, a military expert, told media: “Taliban want to showcase that they are still in power and could keep fighting in order to get more concession.”
Taliban also attacked 215 Maiwand Army Corps last Friday in southern Helmand, where 23 Afghan forces and 20 militants were killed.

Story Code: 180780

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