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3 Afghan Banks to Open Branches in Chabahar

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 5 Feb 2019 - 3:14

Three Afghan banks have applied for opening branches in southeastern Iranian port of Chabahar, according to Iran’s Chabahar Free Trade Zone Organization.

AVA- “Most of the Iranian banks have established branches in the strategic zone of Chabahar, and the Afghans can do so after undergoing the legal formalities,” Reza Panah, senior official at the Chabahar Free Trade Zone Organization told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
The banks will start operations after receiving approval from the Central Bank of Iran.
Presently, over 160 Afghan companies are active in Chabahar free trade zone. More companies are welcomed to open businesses if they register within the time limit.
The Iranian port is one of the best places for economic operations for both Iran and Afghanistan.

Story Code: 179145

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