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Urea factory resumes production as gas pipeline fixed

3 Feb 2019 - 11:03

A fertilizer and power factory in northern Balkh province has resumed production after its gas supply pipeline was reconnected, officials said on Saturday.

The Urea and Power Factory had stopped production 15 days ago after Taliban militants blew up its gas supply pipeline in the Chamtal district of the province.
A few days back, officials claimed the militants demanded the factory pay them four million afghanis and warned it of harsh consequences if the demand was not accepted.
A statement from the 209thShaheen Military Corps said the gas supply pipeline was reconnected to the factory on Friday night when the security forces flushed the Taliban out of the area.
After purging the area of insurgents, a technical team was dispatched to the site and the gas supply pipeline fixed, the statement added. Ten militants were killed during the operation.
Abdul Rahman Afghan, the factory director, also confirmed to Pajhwok the gas supply pipeline was repaired late on Friday night. He praised the security forces for resolving the issue. He urged the Taliban militants not to threaten public projects.


Story Code: 179038

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