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U.S. Should Use Every Possible Means to Ensure Peace in Afghanistan: MPs

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 9 Dec 2018 - 3:05

A number of Afghan parliament members on Saturday welcomed the U.S. efforts in the Afghan reconciliation process, saying Washington should use every possible option to ensure lasting peace in the war-torn country.

AVA- The meetings of the U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad with the Taliban and the Afghan government leaders have raised hope among the Afghan people.
Recently, Khalilzad met with Russian officials in Moscow to discuss the ongoing efforts regarding Afghan peace. According to local media, the two sides held talks regarding the prospects to revive direct talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Following the issue, some Afghan parliament members said the Afghan people are backing the efforts of the international community particularly, the United States in the Afghan peace process, adding that the talks should lead into the end of the Afghan war.
They stressed the U.S. should prevent inferences of the countries – seeking interest in the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan.
“Peace has various aspects. Daesh and Taliban cannot make peace. How can we make peace with a Taliban member who is a Pakistani national? Ignoring the policy of Pakistan towards Afghanistan will not be a simple issue,” said MP Zakaria Zakaria.
“The parties who want to have a peace plan, all should support a single plan. Scattered plans for peace talks will not have outcomes,” said MP Aryan Yun.
Amir Khan Yar, Second Deputy Speaker of the Wolesi Jirga (the Lower House of parliament), meanwhile, said that the U.S. should use every possible means to ensure lasting peace in Afghanistan.
“Everyone wants peace. The United States and the International community should increase their efforts for reaching peace. They should prioritize peace in Afghanistan because Afghan people want peace more than anything else,” he said.  
The MPs stressed that the continuation of war has frustrated the people and that if the U.S. does not make use of the opportunity being provided for ensuring stability in Afghanistan, Washington’s  17 years of efforts will be failed in the country.  

Story Code: 175543

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