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Arrival of new batch of Afghan refugees deported from Germany to Kabul

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 6 Dec 2018 - 6:43

A plane from Germany arrived on Wednesday at Kabul airport, carrying a new batch of rejected Afghan refugees seeking asylum.

AVA- Staff at Kabul airport said the plane landed with 14 Afghans on board.

This is the 19th batch of refugees deported from Germany to Afghanistan.

The first batch was deported in December 2016.

The number of deportees from Germany during the previous mass deportations of Afghanistan reach to 425 men.

A man from a deportation batch of 69 people in early July committed suicide after arriving in Kabul.

There is controversy in Germany over the deportation of Afghans because of the widening war against Taliban militants and the organization of (Daash).


Story Code: 175372

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