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59 militants killed in military offensives

22 Nov 2018 - 4:58

Afghan security forces have killed 59 insurgents and injured 24 others in military offensives across the country over past day, authorities said Wednesday.

AVA- Four militants were arrested and handed over to judicial organs for further inquiry.
Security Forces shelled and bombed enemy’s sanctuaries and stations with air strikes and artilleries.
A statement released by Ministry of Defense (MoD) issued that Afghan National Army and National Police (ANAP) in collaboration with Afghan Air Force (AAF) conducted operations in Nangarhar, Logar, Paktika, Ghazni, Logar, Wardak, Farah, Faryab, Kunduz , Balkh, Nimroz, and Helmand provinces.
Statement said that during operations 20 insurgents were killed four other captured , two car including an explosive one and a motorbike destroyed in Gailan, Da yak and Matakhan districts of Ghazni and Paktika, 16 militants were killed 16 other wounded in Gereshk, Sangin, Kajaki, Washeer and Khashrod districts of Nimroz and Helmand, 13 insurgents were killed seven other injured and two hideouts along with six round mines destroyed in Dasht-e-Archi district of Kunduz, Nine militants were killed , A car, five motorbike along with some weapons and ammunitions destroyed in Posht-e-road district of Farah province.
Afghan National Forces conducted ten aggressive joint operations, 94 special missions and Air Force launched 87 aerial missions including 13 strikes in the last 24 hours.

Story Code: 174500

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