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Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 28 Oct 2018 - 20:08

With voting in parliamentary elections largely complete following yesterday's delayed vote in Kandahar, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) urges the country's electoral authorities to safeguard the integrity and transparency of the electoral process, especially concerning vote counting, as well as the tabulation and announcement of results.

The UN Mission also encourages the electoral authorities to act expeditiously in announcing the electoral timetable for presidential elections, scheduled to take place 20 April 2019.
In view of the challenging security environment in which the elections took place, the UN commends the many Afghans for their participation and recognizes the expectations citizens now have that the electoral authorities will ensure that their votes are counted and that any fraudulent ballots will be weeded out.  
The Mission acknowledges the extensive preparations and efforts of the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces with regard to the elections.
Given the issues and shortcomings in electoral management that arose at polling stations, the Mission looks forward to the electoral authorities clearly communicating how these are being addressed, while ensuring the maximum level of independent scrutiny by observer entities. 
All Afghan authorities and actors – including political parties, the government, candidates and security institutions –should oppose threats or disruption to the electoral process.   
Any citizen suspecting or witnessing fraud or irregularities should channel complaints through the relevant Afghan authorities, especially the Electoral Complaints Commission.
Voting in parliamentary elections has been completed in 33 of the country's 34 provinces. A decision is pending by electoral authorities on when circumstances will permit voting to take place in the remaining province of Ghazni.
The UN underscores its continued support for the people of Afghanistan and the country's electoral authorities in their efforts to develop sustainable democratic institutions.

Story Code: 173205

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