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Afghan border forces in Kandahar remove fence built by Pakistan

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 23 Sep 2018 - 11:59

Afghan border forces in Kandahar have removed fence built by Pakistan along the Durand Line.

The fence was built at Saro Shahano which is located between Spin Boldak and Shorabak districts.
Pakistani forces resisted the move by the Afghan forces, which happened last night after being ordered by the provincial police chief, General Abdul Raziq.
Pakistani forces even warned of opening fire, but the Afghan forces did not heed and continued to remove the fence.
The Pakistani side has offered talks with the Afghan officials over the issue.
Pakistan began building fence along the 1,500-mile Durand Line last year, apparently to curtail the flow of terrorists between the two countries.
The barrier has, however, angered the Afghan government, which disputes the location of the border and says the fence will tear communities apart.

Story Code: 171294

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