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Afghanistan not on the verge of collapsing: Ghani

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 20 Sep 2018 - 2:05

Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani on Wednesday said that Afghanistan is not on the verge of collapse, as it has "forces, resources, and the public, wealth" not to allow a collapse.

AVA- Referring to the atrocities against the Hazara community by terrorist groups in Afghanistan, Ghani asked for the constitution of an international commission of civil society to investigate the violation.
Talking about people of Afghanistan, Ghani said that the government is fighting for the next five generations.
"We need to overcome the past to create a different future," Ghani said.
He further talked about the possibility of Intra-Afghanistan peace, saying, "Most important thing we learnt from the ceasefire is that the people of Afghanistan are ready to forego the past for a better future. We are ready to embrace the future together."
He further asserted that peace with the Taliban is important as it can help the country's effort for counter-terrorism. "Taliban are the part of Afghan society," he added.
At the event, Ghani thanked India and the people of the country for the billion dollars committed to Afghanistan. He further talked about Afghan students who are enrolled in Indian Universities and declared that the top graders will be provided "a position onboard."
Talking about the centuries-old India-Afghan relationship, Ghani said, "This place what we call India and Afghanistan is been a place of networks. But the rich fabric of past has been a fabric of network."
During his one-day visit to India, Ghani and Prime Minister Narendra Modi reviewed the progress of the multi-faceted India-Afghanistan strategic partnership.

Story Code: 171099

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