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Eleven Haqqani militants arrested in Kabul

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 5 Sep 2018 - 15:21

Afghan intelligence forces have arrested 11 members of Haqqani militant network in capital Kabul, authorities said Wednesday.

AVA- They were arrested in 5th and 12thdistricts in the city, and Bagrami and Paghman districts in the outskirts of the city, the National Directorate of Security said in a statement.
The insurgents were involved in terrorist activities, planting mines, assassination of officials and tribal elders, the statement said.
One Kalashinkov gun, one Makarov pistol with silencer, three improvised explosive devices, 300kg explosives and one motorcycle were also seized during the raid, according to the statement.
The arrested militants were identified as Momin Khan, Sardar Wali, Azizullah, Hamid, Mustafa, Mir Agha, Mohammad Rasool, Nawab, Lal Agha, Munir and Ihsanullah.
Taliban-allied Haqqani network has been behind many of the high-profile attacks in Afghanistan. On Tuesday, the Taliban announced that the founder of the network had died after several years of illness.

Story Code: 170117

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