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Afghan intelligence operatives suffer casualties in Kabul suicide attack

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 26 Jul 2018 - 11:46

The operatives of the Afghan Intelligence, National Directorate of Security (NDS), suffered casualties in a suicide attack in Kabul city earlier today.

The Kabul Security Commandment spokesman, Hashmat Stanikzai, said the incident took place at around 5am local time in the vicinity of Bagh Daud area in 5th police district of the city.
Stanikzai further added that the attack left at least five security personnel dead while at least four others sustained injuries.
He said the incident took place after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives near the convoy of the intelligence operatives.
The Taliban militants group in Afghanistan claimed responsibility behind the incident.
The group in a statement said the attack was carried out in Company area of the city targeting the 01 Unit forces.
The group also claimed that the attack left several security personnel dead or wounded.
This comes as the anti-government armed militant groups have been attempting to increase attacks in the key provinces and cities of the country including capital Kabul during the recent months.

Story Code: 167764

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