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North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 3 Sep 2017 - 9:01

A 5.6-magnitude tremor was recorded in North Korea, centered on the area where the country’s nuclear test facility is located. Previous tremors have been caused by North Korea’s nuclear tests.

AVA-North Korea says it has developed a hydrogen bomb that can be loaded into the country’s new intercontinental ballistic missile.

The claim from Pyongyang came via official state media Sunday morning, local time.

Korean Central News Agency said leader Kim Jong Un inspected the device at the country’s Nuclear Weapons Institute.

KCNA quoted Kim as describing the weapon as a “thermonuclear weapon with super explosive power, made by our own efforts and technology.” He also was quoted as saying that all components of the hydrogen bomb were “100 percent domestically made.”

The report included a picture of Kim dressed in a black uniform, posing with a metal object.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, speaking by phone Saturday, stressed the need for a close cooperation between their two countries and South Korea in the face of a growing nuclear threat from North Korea, according to a White House statement.

The two leaders also agreed that pressure must be raised on North Korea, Abe told reporters.

On Friday,the leaders of the United States and South Korea spoke by telephone about North Korea, reaffirming the need to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiating table by applying maximum sanctions and pressure, according to the office of South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

Story Code: 149218

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