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7 Taliban Insurgents Killed in Afghan Forces Operations

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 8 Aug 2017 - 13:05

At least seven Taliban militants were killed and eleven others were wounded in Afghan security forces’ operations conducted in Badghis province.

AVA- Afghan security forces in a special operation in Langar village of Qads district of Badghis province seized a large number of arms and weapons.

Afghan Special Forces along with the national army launched a joint operation in central parts of the Laghman province and arrested a member of Taliban group during the operation.

Afghan security forces have beefed up security operations against militants recently as the war-weary Afghans have been witnessing a surge in attacks by Taliban fighters and Islamic State (IS) affiliates across the country.

Afghan troops and police are battling largely alone on the ground against anti-government forces, after US-led foreign forces withdrew from most combat operations in December 2014.

Story Code: 147859

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