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Less time left for Taliban to join peace, President Ghani warns

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 15 Jul 2017 - 8:46

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has said less time is left for the Taliban group to accept the reconciliation process offers, apparently reiterating the government’s pervious stance that strict military operations policy will adopted along with the efforts to blacklist the group.

AVA- He made the remarks during a meeting with the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier who arrived in Kabul during an unannounced visit on Thursday.

The Afghan President further added that the priorities of the Afghan government is to reach to a peace agreement with Pakistan first and then with the Taliban group, emphasizing that Taliban is not having a single leadership.

President Ghani said there are two types of peace and reconciliation deals, the one which is achieved village by village and the other one is a political peace deal.

He said less time is left for the Taliban group regarding the peace deal and the group must take a decision as soon as possible.

This comes as the Afghan leader warned last week that the Taliban group will be included in the list of the specially designated terrorist organizations if it refrains to join peace.

Speaking during a conference in Kabul, President Ghani said the Taliban group should understand that time is not waiting for them.

“They should wholeheartedly accept the peace process or they should get ready to be included in the international list of the globally designated terrorists,” President Ghani said.

President Ghani further added that the government of national unity has a crystal clear approach and policy towards peace process since the beginning of its formation.

He said the Afghan government will continue to pursue its policies for peace and reconciliation although it has not been successful so far but the government is ready to achieve it at the cost of lives and finances.

The Afghan president also added that it is the time that the international community should understand and ask themselves that what is the solution when the militants are even attacking embassies and consulates.

Story Code: 146353

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