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Experts: America is trying to enlarge ISIS in Afghanistan; ISIS has become much weaker

25 Mar 2023 - 10:26

Following the statements of General Michael Kurila, the head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), that the ISIS group in Afghanistan has become stronger compared to last year and after the withdrawal of American forces; Political experts say that there is no specific geography in Afghanistan under the control of the ISIS group through which they can confront the forces of the Islamic Emirate. Accordingly, the American officials want to show the government in the country as weak with their irresponsible statements.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Noorullah Ibrahim Khel, an expert on military affairs, said in an interview with AVA: ISIS does not have any specific geographical area under its control in Afghanistan that can confront the forces of the Islamic Emirate. They irresponsibly want to show the existing government in the country as weak.
He added: With the establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, it lost the territory controlled by the ISIS terrorist group, so I can say that ISIS has become much weaker than before.
This military affairs expert stated that the Daesh group has no place among the people of Afghanistan from an intellectual point of view to be able to control any area, and added that the Islamic Emirate should seek help from the people to curb the explosive and suicide attacks of Daesh.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Akbar Hussaini, a political expert, said in an interview with Ava that the ISIS group is an intelligence tool of some major countries, especially the United States, which use them in Afghanistan and other countries of the world to gain their interests.
He also emphasized that the Americans want to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate by exaggerating ISIS in Afghanistan, in order to achieve their demands in our country.
According to his words, America is trying to make the countries of Central Asia unsafe through Afghanistan, because of this, it wants to magnify terrorist groups in order to create public anxiety and worry.
Hussaini stated that during the last year and a half, the forces of the Islamic Emirate have been able to destroy several hideouts of ISIS in the city of Kabul and other provinces of the country before carrying out their attacks, which shows the will of the Islamic Emirate against the ISIS group.
This political affairs informant noted that the Islamic Emirate should take more measures to destroy ISIS, because the intelligence services of some countries are trying to strengthen terrorist groups, especially ISIS, in Afghanistan.
Also, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, in response to the statements of General Michael Korilla, the head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), wrote on his Twitter that the statements of the American officials about the number of the sedition group of ISIS in Afghanistan do not match with reality, because the Khawarij group called ISIS It is already low and beaten.
Mr. Mujahid added that the interest of the American officials in this matter and their aggrandizement, the cooperation with the ISIS group and the campaign in their favor should be stopped.

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