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Trump's criticism of the US air attack on Yemen/We are dropping bombs in the Middle East again!

14 Jan 2024 - 11:03

In a speech, Donald Trump criticized the US airstrikes in Yemen and said: "We are dropping bombs in the Middle East again" and the Minister of Defense "runs the war from his laptop in the hospital".

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Donald Trump has criticized the US airstrikes in Yemen and said: "We will drop bombs again in the Middle East" and the Minister of Defense "runs the war from his laptop in the hospital".
The former US president added: "Remember, this is the same gang that surrendered in Afghanistan."
He once again called the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in August 2021 as "the most shameful moment in the history of the United States" and said that at that time, no one was held accountable or no official was "fired".
Trump's statements were made while the US continued its airstrikes on Yemen and US President Joe Biden called these strikes successful.
The US Central Command has announced that the US has targeted Yemen with Tomahawk missiles.
Criticizing these attacks, Donald Trump said: "Let me make this clear." "We're bombing all over the Middle East again, and our defense secretary, who just disappeared for five days, is waging war from his laptop in a hospital room."
The CNN news channel reported on Friday (Jadi 22) that Republicans believe that 81-year-old Joe Biden is unable to maintain the authority of the United States and is incapable of running for the presidency for a second term.
Trump says that the United States has already participated in three world wars, but is unaware of its domestic problems.
The 45th president of the United States said, "We are currently at war in Ukraine, Israel, and Yemen, but we do not have a war on our southern border." "Oh, that makes a lot of sense," quipped Mr. Trump.
These statements of Trump were made after the United States and the United Kingdom have carried out numerous and countless attacks on the positions of the Yemeni army along the coastline of this country. The action that has been claimed is in line with the effort to reopen the vital sea route that Yemen's Ansarullah movement has blocked in order to force the Zionist regime to stop its genocidal operations against the people of Gaza.
Since the beginning of November 2023, the Yemeni army has carried out operations to target the ships associated with the Zionist regime in the Red Sea in order to prevent these ships from reaching the occupied territories and delivering their cargo. An action that has caused the United States to form a naval coalition to neutralize the operations of the Yemeni army.
Although several countries, including Germany, Denmark, Australia, and Canada, have supported the air strikes of the United States and England yesterday, some countries such as France, Italy, and Spain have refused military or even political support against these attacks.

Story Code: 284127

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