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America: Iran is not currently seeking nuclear weapons

11 Jul 2023 - 11:40

Despite the past claims of Western officials and Zionists, the US intelligence agency confirmed that Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): US intelligence assessments say that despite the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran has increased its nuclear activities in a way that could help the country produce nuclear weapons, Tehran is currently pursuing nuclear weapons.
The Associated Press reported that the assessment of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States, which was published yesterday (Monday), claimed that Iran has moved towards increasing its capacity to produce an atomic bomb since 2020, but has not yet made an atomic bomb.
The intelligence assessment of the United States of America has emphasized Iran's lack of nuclear deviation in a situation where some congressmen and others claimed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons.
After "Joe Biden" took office as the president in America and announced his readiness to return to the JCPOA, at the end of Iran's 12th administration, negotiations were held to revive the JCPOA between Iran and the 4+1 group and indirectly between Iran and the United States. 6 rounds of negotiations were held in this regard, but the talks did not reach a conclusion due to the disruption of the western parties, especially the United States.
According to an unclassified excerpt from a two-page report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, "Iran is not currently engaged in the key nuclear weapons production activities required to produce a testable nuclear device."
However, Washington has further claimed in this report that Iran "pursues research and development activities that would allow the country to produce the fissile material required to complete a nuclear device after it decides to do so."
Despite the fact that the administration of Donald Trump, the former president of the United States of America, unilaterally withdrew from this nuclear agreement despite Tehran's full adherence to the JCPOA, the US intelligence assessment states that Iran continues to violate the provisions of the JCPOA in the field of uranium enrichment.
In this regard, it is stated in this report: "Iran continues to increase the level of enrichment of uranium reserves beyond the limits of the JCPOA" and it has also been claimed that the Islamic Republic has gone beyond the limits of the JCPOA regarding the research and development of advanced centrifuges.
These findings have been generally supported by inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog.
In addition to the claims made about Iran's nuclear activities, the American intelligence assessment continued that Iran's ballistic missile programs continue to pose a significant threat to the countries of West Asia.
In this regard, the report states: "Iran has emphasized on strengthening the accuracy, lethality and reliability of its missiles."
The United States, like some Western countries, is trying to prevent Iran's missile development, and in this regard, on the 16th of this year, the US Treasury Department placed a network of companies based in Iran, China, and Hong Kong in the sanctions list under the pretext of supporting Iran's missile program. .
The announcement of these sanctions took place hours after Iran's Fars news agency reported that the "Fattah" hypersonic missile is the latest strategic achievement of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force, with the presence of the country's government officials, including the President, the Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Guard Corps, and the Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force in The headquarters of this force was unveiled.
"Today's action reinforces our commitment to respond to activities that undermine regional stability and threaten the security of our key partners and allies," said the US Deputy Treasury Secretary. "The United States will continue to target transnational procurement networks that covertly support Iran's production of ballistic missiles and other military programs."

Story Code: 273062

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