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Taliban release details of video teleconference between Pompeo and Mullah Baradar

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 4 Aug 2020 - 9:26

The Taliban group released the details of the video teleconference between Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State of the United States and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy political chief of the group based in Doha.

“Today evening, Mullah Bradar Akhund, Deputy-Amir and Head of the Political Office and his delegation had a virtual meeting with Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State via video-conference,” Suhail Shaheen, a spokesperson for the political office of Taliban in Doha said.
Shaheen further added that “Both sides talked about the inception of intra-Afghan negotiations and the status quo emphasizing that release of the remaining prisoners are essential for commencement of intra-Afghan negotiations.”
He also added “The Secretary of State also welcomed announcement of ceasefire by the Islamic Emirate on the eve of the current Eid.”
This comes as the both the Afghan government and Taliban have released hundreds of prisoners following the signing of peace deal between Washington and Taliban earlier this year.
However, reports indicate that the Afghan government has refrained from releasing hundreds of Taliban militants who were involved in major crimes with President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani mulling to convene Loya Jirga (General Assembly of the Tribal Elders) to discuss the issue of the release of remaining Taliban prisoners.

Story Code: 216038

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