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Christian Democratic Union votes in new leader, replaces Merkel

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 8 Dec 2018 - 3:49

Germany’s Christian Democratic Union party (CDU) has elected Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as party leader, ending Chancellor Angela Merkel's 18 years of leadership.

AVA- Following a two-round vote cast by 999 delegates at a party congress in the German city of Hamburg on Friday, Karrenbauer, 56, ultimately won 517 votes, defeating millionaire corporate lawyer Friedrich Merz, 63, who gained 482 favorable ballots.
Merz had also sought to lead the party in 2002, but was ultimately defeated by Merkel. Considering Karrenbauer as Merkel's protege, many CDU members who were tired of Merkel's consensual politics, voted for Merz in the latest round of elections.
Third candidate and current Health Minister Jens Spahn was eliminated in the first round of voting.
The run-off vote between Kramp-Karrenbauer and Merz was preceded by a final speech by Merkel.
The German chancellor described a "balanced budget policy", the "management of the refugee crisis" and the end of military conscription in 2011 as major party achievements during her tenure.
The long-time party leader received a 10-minute long standing ovation after finishing her speech.
Merkel, who has been Germany's Chancellor since 2005, announced her surprise resignation from political life on October 29, giving up leadership of the conservative party, yet vowing to finish out her full term as German chancellor until 2021.
The announcement came only one day after the CDU and the allied Social Democratic Party (SPD) suffered heavy losses in the Hesse state election.
Speaking earlier after a similarly weak performance in the Bavarian elections, Merkel admitted that German voters had lost trust in their government.
The German chancellor took "full responsibility" for the poor performance, ultimately deciding to resign.

Story Code: 175459

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